It's 2020 So Why Wouldn't There Be a Sexy Mail-in Ballot Costume?

If you were hoping to dress up for Halloween, but didn't have a costume maybe consider being a sexy mail-in ballot:

Cosplay purveyor Yandy, the clothing company behind such daring disguises as the buns-hugging Beyond Burger costume and the leggy “Handmaid’s Tale” number, is back again — this time, bringing awareness to a bipartisan issue with sexy USPS-themed costumes.

Their new range includes two cheeky numbers, both of which cover little more skin than an actual postage stamp.

For $29.95, the mail-in ballot costume is a white tube dress with a graphic borrowed from an official ballot envelope, which reads “Official Ballot Enclosed” and “First Class Mail” on the front. The return address printed on the bottom-right corner of the dress sends you to Sexy Headquarters, 1234 Lovers Lane.

Also new this year is the “Postal Babe” costume. It’s a midriff-baring combo in the style of a postal worker, complete with a replica mail bin, for $54.95.

So apparently you have lots of options. Lol.

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